Dual Solar means this pool heater has is own built- in
solar water pump besides it's water heating panels

All other solar pool heaters in the market today rely on either the pool water pump which uses electricity from the grid, or some other pump also run by the grid. What you want is independence from the electric or gas bill and all the pollution that comes with it.

Thats what makes us unique. This appliance runs itself on full auto. All you do is put it in the water and the sun runs the show.

It doesn't even have an on/off switch. The electro-solar cell just turns the pump off whenever the sun goes down and back on when the sun rises again.

Just think of the money you'll save. Even further, if you're a consumer that owns a small to medium above ground pool, chances are you're on a budget. If this is the case, you probably didn't buy a pool heater at all. This pool heater is for you. You'll end up being able to use your pool weeks earlier than without one. And with no bills!